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‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات humor. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات humor. إظهار كافة الرسائل


International Women's Day

International Women's Day: a Doodle for the 69 years of the event celebrated in advance by Google :

Today 7 March, opening your browser on the Google homepage, you'll be greeted by a new Doodle marking the 69th anniversary of International Women's Day. But the latter is traditionally celebrated on March 8. Why this day difference?

" The Women's Day , there should not be any " , or "it's every day " ... That's what we hear most often from the fairer sex or male when he s' is to evoke that particular day. And it is perhaps because of this last sentence that Google has decided to show its Doodle a day ahead of its home page , with a short video message. One can even turn several generations of women , from different countries , wish a good day Women in their respective languages ​​.And yet, if that day is still relevant today , it is because the inequality between the sexes exist , whether in the conditions of life, in terms of health, or instead compensation in the Work .Much time at home as a man at work!The UN , which established the first International Women's Day March 8, 1945 , and many observatories continue to develop bitter observations. In the hexagon ( where the first Women's Day was celebrated on March 8, 1982 ) , in late 2013 , there was a gross difference between the gross salary of a man and a woman , on average, 27% (Source : INSEE, DARES) . Since 1980, 8 out of 10 part-time workers are women. They represented 30.1% of part-time employees in 2011, when men accounted for only 6.9% ! 


Pharrell Williams

Pharrell Williams sells his hat over $ 44 000 on eBay :


The singer has agreed to sell its valuable headwear for the benefit of a charity. The relic was acquired by a fast food ... !He had raised in his now famous performance at the Grammy Awards in late January , alongside Daft Punk. Brown Fedora hat Pharrell Williams has been sold on eBay for a whopping $ 44,100 dollars, or about 32,000 euros . The singer had auctioned it two weeks ago in favor of his charity , From One Hand to Another , which helps children.Sunday, at the beginning of the Oscars , Williams had posted since his Twitter account the following message: "Thanks to the person who bought my Grammy hat on eBay. " What he was told : "I beg you, we are happy ( HAPPY , English, song title played that night by the artist) to support a great cause and get your hat. " The lucky recipient is actually a fast food chain called Arby's, very popular in the United States , whose logo is a ... hat! " What a nice surprise " , welcomed Pharrell Williams, " Thank you, Arby's, is now officially our roast cooked " ( roast beef burgers are the specialty of fast food ) .Although overpaid for a good cause , the famous hat was still a real value, since it is signed by the English designer Vivienne Westwood, known for his work in the field. The latter is also eager to provide another headgear , black this time the singer . 
 The public was able to see the scene where he presented Oscar "Happy ", taken from the soundtrack of Me Despicable 2 . After the " never without my helmet " Daft Punk, Will is entitled to an alternative way Pharrell Williams?


Oscars 2014: follow the ceremony live

Oscars 2014: follow the ceremony live!

86th ceremony will be held in a few hours live from Los Angeles to reward as every year, the best film performances of the year. Among the favorites: American Bluff, 12 Years a Slave or even Gravity. 
 Who will win the Oscar? Who was the best in its category this year? Response live palmares and live streaming on Non Stop People.

In a few hours, the Oscars will reward the best actors, directors, films, of the year. The Oscars is the largest rendezvous for all film-Hollywood. Leonardo DiCaprio will he finally during the 86th Oscar Academy Awards

 Alfonso Cuaron and his film phenomenon "Gravity" will they be sacred in the night of Sunday, March 2? And the favorite "12 Years a Slave" will scrape he all the best prices?

For live the names of all the winners, follow the ceremony live:


?... Why Bradley Cooper decided to interview Barack Obama without underwear

In a strange kind of behavior , decided handsome actor Bradley Cooper at the last minute interview President Barack Obama without wearing underwear , during a call to attend a dinner at the White House , Tuesday, February 11th , accompanied by his girlfriend Suki Waterhouse . Bradley Cooper and surprised the audience through the little mysterious dialogue with the media sarcastic Degenerys Ellen in an episode of its "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" which aired on 17 February See Bradley Cooper interview with Ellen Degenerys which revealed his decision is strange Bradley said : " In preparation for the next two movies and I'm trying to increase my weight quickly , was able to increase my weight 7 pounds in just four weeks to the point that I do not have clothes for me now , like the underpants which barely Wearing suits me .
" He continued: " Vartdat the same suit that I wore at the Golden Globes , where the campaign with me in the bag and then I went to Washington, DC and tried to wear the suit only ten minutes before the presumed date of my appearance in it." And went on: " then began to laugh , it was ridiculous , I'm about to interview the president.
" He explained hero movie "American Hustle" his idea not to wear underwear , saying : " I had to go without underwear because there was no room for them. 'Ve Done it . 're Compelled ." And his experience this in the White House , Bradley said : "It was fantastic . 
It was a nightmare , especially during bullish on the ladder. 
As that in those events you have to stand a lot to shake hands with people , but I could not stand to greet them . , But I succeeded in the end."


i see you

Try not to laugh, I dare you ...

what can we say ...


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