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‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات technology. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات technology. إظهار كافة الرسائل


The Last of Us

The game The Last of Us announced on Playstation 4. 

The game is scheduled for this summer on Playstation 4. This is an improvement over the PS3 (2013) which includes version DLC. 

The story takes place in a world that has been ravaged by an epidemic 20 years ago. 
We follow two survivors, Joel and Ellie will have to help each other to survive against this mysterious virus. 
While nature has reclaimed its right to civilization, the survivors are killing each other for food, water and weapons. 
The main novelties of the PS4 release: 
  • 1080p visuals 
  • Speed ​​crafting improved. 
  • Speed ​​improved care. 
  • Speed ​​reloading a 9mm improved. 
  • Feeder Capacity rifle improved. 
  • The extension solo Left Behind. 
  • The multiplayer map pack Abandoned Territories.
  • Pack Recovered Territories. 

For pre-order the game, exclusive bonus: 
  • 100 points to use XP Mode Factions .
  • 2 special skins for Joel and Ellie will be unlocked when you complete the single player campaign. 


Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg unveils plans to connect the world to the Internet from the sky.

Two three Earthlings do not have Internet access. With initiative , Mark Zuckerberg and his partners want to address this challenge for the more remote areas of the globe can enjoy the benefits of the Net , particularly to develop education and democratic initiatives.Thursday, Facebook unveiled some different proposed techniques were already known, others not  "We are working on ways to send Internet people from the sky ," said Mark Zuckerberg.The (" Connectivity Lab " " Lab Connectivity" ) is part of initiative.The team includes experts from other NASA or five company employees Ascenta UK , specializing in solar aircraft capable of traveling long distances.Among the proposed projects are discussed the potential use of lasers for connecting them satellites or solar aircraft capable of maintaining a month flying 20,000 meters and use internet relay .News reports had reported in early discussions to buy Facebook for this purpose the manufacturer of solar Titan Aerospace UAV , with the objective of deploying these devices in the first place in Africa. The Internet giant Google has a somewhat similar project for which he has already conducted tests in which they are balloons that are used instead of drones.


Twitter: Hundreds of people follow a trombone virtual paper.

An account tweeted never exceeded 700 subscribers only system suggestions Twitter .Are the followers follow the leader ? To test the hint of gregariousness that weighs on users of social networks, the U.S. magazine Wired journalists engaged in an experiment with a Twitter account and a virtual paper clip .The trombone is called Clippy . From 1997 to 2001 , this character unloved round-eyed raging on all Microsoft Office software suite, making appearances often inappropriate to the screen to offer assistance .
The world is relieved retired " companion Office ," which was even the subject of academic research ." I followed especially to understand why others followed "Team GadgetLab Wired decided Wednesday , half seriously , to see if that character had its own Twitter account and tweet with zero one subscriber could be followed by mass only being recommended by the " Suggestion function " Twitter .The answer , explained in detail on the website of Wired, is yes. Journalists GadgetLab , following all on behalf of Clippy , causing a wave of suggestions from their followers .In less than an hour, Clippy awakens the curiosity of 50 people who set out to follow him."You can track anyone"..........Blogger Anil Dash entrepreneur , who himself nearly 500,000 followers on Twitter , said: " I ​​followed especially to understand why others followed , and because I love Clippy " Meanwhile, trombone s' started tweeting and everything changes when Satya Nadella , the new CEO of Microsoft in person responds to Clippy , which currently has more than 700 followers .


The Ariane 5 rocket

The Ariane 5 rocket ensures its 59th consecutive win.

Another success for Ariane 5 rocket, which placed two satellites in orbit telecom Saturday night during a 217th launch Astra 5 B for the Luxembourg-based operator SES Amazonas 4A and on behalf of the Spanish operator Hispasat.
This is the 59th consecutive success for the European launcher. Built by Airbus Defence and Space (ex-Astrium), Astra 5B, which will have a design life of about fifteen years, will provide direct broadcast services, cable distribution and supply networks TNT in Europe. 

 Amazonas 4A will provide him a wide range of telecommunications services throughout South America.
  Also a life of fifteen, he will strengthen the coverage of the Spanish operator in Latin America, in view of the World Cup in Brazil in June and the Olympics in Rio in 2016.

Dell and Microsoft

Dell and Microsoft signed a licensing agreement.

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters): Microsoft and Dell have signed a license agreement that provides for the payment of royalties by Dell software giant on sales of devices running the Android operating system and Google Chrome.

The two companies will grant each other licenses intellectual property rights related to Android and Chrome systems, such as "Chromebooks."

Microsoft is engaged in a battle with Google for the manufacturers of mobile devices using the Android system free pay him a license fee.

Most of the major industry manufacturers such as Samsung, LG and HTC, have already agreed to pay royalties on Android smartphones, according to Microsoft, infringe its patents.



Intel acquires a stake in the start-up Cloudera .

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) : Intel on Thursday announced  its  entry into the capital of Cloudera , a start -up in growth will become the main distributor of software in the field of "big data" .

The world number one computer processors said that he would become the largest shareholder of Cloudera after the investment , which comes as it seeks to expand its servers to compensate for the decline in the PC market.

This is the largest investment ever made by the group in the field of management of data centers, Intel said , without disclosing the amount.

Cloudera , Hortonworks and like its competitors Pivotal specializes in services using Hadoop , a free software to sort and use massive amounts of data (" big data" ) generated by the use of internet and mobile networks .

Intel will have a seat on the board of Cloudera .

He had announced last week that it has raised $ 160 million from T Rowe Price , Google Ventures and other investors , bringing to 300 million the total amount of capital raised since its inception.



Nasa: Vote for your favorite spacesuit!

The U.S. space agency offers users to choose their preferred model.But not sure winning combination will ever see Mars.This is only a prototype, but the Z-2 spacesuit NASA might one day tread the soil of Mars.The U.S. space agency is aware of the curiosity that feeds the public with regard to its facilities and the opportunity to do a bit of buzz on the Internet: it offers users to vote on its website until April 15 for their favorite design. 
Three models are available , all derived from the same structure in combination with different decorations. Of three-dimensional representations help users to make their choice.Caution warns NASA : users do will choose the design of the prototype , not the combination of Z-2 final, which will obviously be subject to more technical and scientific than " coolness " considerations. 
And at this point , nothing indicates that the combination Z-2 can fly one day.Budget cuts imposed by the Obama administration suggest new manned NASA in many years. 
A prototype in Houston in NovemberThe first combination , " Biomimicry " (" imitation of life " ) is " inspired by the world's oceans ," which has " many similarities with space ."Luminescent cables on the torso become apparent in low light . 
What avoid accidents in the dark. The second combination , "Technology " includes luminescent elements to identify at a glance each astronaut . 
And looks deceptively combinations film Tron .


The game director leaves Evolution Studios .

Col Rodgers, the game director of DriveClub left Evolution Studios in February to establish an independent structure.
It is not also the only starting on Perfidious Albion, as layoffs currently operate in several London studios including Evolution Studios.

Certainly, the development of DriveClub is not easy between the report title, departures and layoffs. Rodgers meanwhile, left to found his own studio named Big Red Switch Games.

The latter indicates that the dismissals were not the reason for his departure and remains on good terms with Sony. However, it is not yet known who will take his place.


Fez is now available on PS4, PS3 and PS Vita .

Released in 2012 on the Xbox Live Arcade and PC in 2013, Fez is now available on PlayStation platforms.  Launch, as often accompanied by a video to find just above.
As promised, the title will Polytron cross-save, but also cross-buy.
A good deal that should convince two or three undecided which have not yet taken the plunge.

Editor Candy

Editor Candy Crush valued at 7.08 billion dollars.

(Reuters) : King Digital Entertainment announced Tuesday that its IPO would be Wednesday at $ 22.50 per share , valuing the creator of the game "Candy Crush Saga " 7.08 billion.The price was in the middle of the indicative range varying from 21 to 24 dollars .At this price, the IPO of 22.2 million shares would be in the 500 million.

King, founded in 2003 in Sweden but based in Dublin, is expected to sell 15.5 million shares, the balance being provided by existing shareholders , including funds Apax Ventures.The latter , the main shareholder of King, has a 44.2 % at the end of the operation, if the underwriters fully exercise their options.Co-founder Riccardo Zacconi will share 9.5%.This is the USA 's largest IPO to date in an area of ​​mobile gaming by expanding anxious not experience the same disappointment that Zynga, the gaming company for social media that has lost half its value after an IPO seven billion in 2011.King, ex- has avoided bankruptcy by a hair in 2003 and then began to regularly make a profit from 2005.

HIGH- TECH Facebook

Facebook bought the startup virtual reality Oculus for $ 2 billion.

HIGH- TECH : According to Mark Zuckerberg , the headset Oculus Rift will " change the way we work, play and communicate ."Facebook continues its shopping. Less than a month after a check of $ 19 billion for Whatsapp , the social network announced Tuesday it would buy Oculus VR , a startup specializing in virtual reality.  
Once validated by the authorities, the transaction is expected to rise to 2 billion 400 million in cash, the rest in shares. For Facebook, this purchase is a gamble . 
 Oculus Rift helmet is still in the prototype stage , with marketing that does probably not happen before 2015, the time to finalize the product and let the developers tame technology.
 Especially , Facebook password here Software to hardware , a transition always complicated Microsoft and Google can attest.Immersed in a virtual world.Mark Zuckerberg is looking to the future. "The mobile platform is today but we prepare tomorrow's. 
 Oculus has the potential to change the way we work, play and communicate , " he says .The Oculus helmet consists of a screen and sensors which follow the movements of the head of the user .It can be immersed in a virtual world or watch live streaming video of augmented reality graphics synthesis .

The illusion is almost perfect for the brain when the head to the left , the camera and the image is rotated follow. If one is at the top of a mountain, was dizzy.Video game , priority :The video game will be the priority of Oculus , which will remain independent within Facebook , but Zuckerberg sees farther ."We can live a basketball game as if we were on the floor , studying in a virtual classroom , shopping or see a doctor at a distance" .

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