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Tablets .. More smart devices susceptibility to fracture

One of the insurance companies to study a group of the leading smartphones and tablets currently available in the global market , so to come out with a list of smart devices which have a high affinity for the break . The study , carried out by the company Square Trade, the Tablet Computer " iPad Mini" which is produced by the "Apple " is more intelligent devices currently on the market susceptible to fracture . The phone " Galaxy S 4 " produced by " Samsung " in second place on the list, followed in third place computer " iPad Air " tablet "Apple" . The solution phone " Galaxy S 3 " from " Samsung " in fourth place , followed by the phone " iPhone 5 C " in fifth place , then the first generation of computer " Nexus 7" in sixth place . And occupied Computer Tablet " Galaxy Tab 3 " from " Samsung " ranked seventh in the list of most smart devices breakable , came with the phone " Apple" new smartphone " iPhone 5 S " in eighth place . Furthermore, came the second generation of computer " Nexus 7" which is produced by " Asus " in favor of " Google " was ranked ninth on the list, ranked as the tenth and final phone " Moto X " from Motorola . The results of the study Square Trade after several tests conducted for a wide range of smart devices , including tests for the fall and shock resistance , and other tests mimic common accidents that can occur for those devices with the average user . It is noteworthy that most of the smart devices that came in the list of income in the manufacture of the external structure of the plastic material processor " polycarbonate " , except for " iPhone 5 S " and " iPad mini " and " IPad Eyre ," where used "Apple" in the aluminum industry


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