New Anime : Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou .
Genre: Seinen, Slice of Life, Comedy, Romance .
The anime series began April 3, 2014, in Japan.
The story takes us into the daily Usa, a high school student who moves into an apartment that looks like a youth hostel.
He discovers that his roommate is none other than a perverse with a penchant for young girls and one of its neighbors is lovesick.
But above all, Usa has a crush on Ritsu, a taciturn schoolgirl who lives in the same building.
Bokura wa Minna manga Kawaisou of Miyahara Ruri started in 2012 and published by Shonen Gahosha Currently there are five bound volumes in Japan.
The story takes us into the daily Usa, a high school student who moves into an apartment that looks like a youth hostel.
He discovers that his roommate is none other than a perverse with a penchant for young girls and one of its neighbors is lovesick.
But above all, Usa has a crush on Ritsu, a taciturn schoolgirl who lives in the same building.
Bokura wa Minna manga Kawaisou of Miyahara Ruri started in 2012 and published by Shonen Gahosha Currently there are five bound volumes in Japan.
- Mangaka: Miyahara Ruri.
- Studio: Brain's Base.
- Director: Shigeyuki Miya.
- Writer: Takeshi Konuta.
- Character Design: Shinichi Kurita & Junko Yamanaka
- Responsible Animation: Shinichi Kurita & Junko Yamanaka.
- Music: Matsuda Akito / Nijine.
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