New Anime :Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun .
Genre: Shonen, School Life, Comedy, Romance .
The animated series is scheduled for July 2014.
The story takes us into the daily life of Chiyo schoolgirl Sakura, love Nozaki, a studious student.
One day, Sakura discovers that Nozaki is actually a known mangaka specializes in shoujo, and becomes his assistant.
The story takes us into the daily life of Chiyo schoolgirl Sakura, love Nozaki, a studious student.
One day, Sakura discovers that Nozaki is actually a known mangaka specializes in shoujo, and becomes his assistant.
- Mangaka: Izumi Tsubaki
- Studio: Dogakobo.
- Director: Mitsue Yamazaki.
- Writer: Yoshiko Nakamura.
- Character Design: Junichiro Taniguchi.
- Responsible Animation: Junichiro Taniguchi.
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