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Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin

Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin : they divorce!

For many months now, the speculations were rife and rumors of separation became more and more persistent.We refused to believe it desperately crossed fingers ... And finally , bad news came : Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin divorce !There are a few hours ( night from Tuesday 25 to Wednesday, March 26 ) , the pair of stars actually formalized separation through a long statement posted on the website of the actress,
 Goop : "This is the sad heart that we have decided to separate us after ten years of marriage , " it said .Called " Out carefully considered ," the note is accompanied by a photo of the couple at the time of happiness. " We worked hard for over a year, sometimes together, sometimes separately , to see what was possible between us, and we came to the conclusion that even if we love very much, we remain separated " they continue.Met in late 2002 , the actress 41 years and musician of 37 years were married the following year during a surprise intimate ceremony in California.A few months later , they became the parents of an adorable filled Apple (soon to be 10 years old ) , before welcoming their son Moses in 2006."We are yet and remain a family, and in many ways , we're closer than we were today.We first parents of two incredibly wonderful children we ask that you respect the space and privacy in this difficult time. 
 We have always lived our relationship as quietly in the world, and hope that as a couple separated by mutual agreement and parents, we can continue to live the same way, " they conclude.


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