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Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez married soon?

 The relationship between Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez is very ambiguous .  
Today we give them married in a few months . However, when the singer was arrested in January for driving while intoxicated  in  the  streets of  Miami ,  the young  singer 21 years  did  not  want to hear about it . 
Annoyed by his childish and dangerous behavior, she preferred to cut ties .Justin , he consoled himself on a beach in Panama with Chantal Jeffries .  
A few weeks after their attachment , Justin, in large gentleman had even unveiled a close details of its first night of love with the young woman. 
"She was mad at me when she gave me her virginity " , would he told a friend if you believe RadarOnline .
 Imagine that Selena took it badly this unpacking.There are four days , however, the Star magazine told us that the two former had reconnected and they talked all day. 
Friends of the pretty girl are not for reconciliation : " They openly said they thought she should get away from him , they think it only brings bad things in his life. " .Well, despite these warnings, today things materialize according to a source of Life & Style magazine: " They think they are Romeo and Juliet Justin he always said he would marry her. " .
And after numerous setbacks Justin , we want to believe he is able to do foolish things. 
There fortnight, the lovebirds were spotted together in Texas to the output of a Starbucks. 
 It must be said that at this time the terrible lovers are on the same wavelength. 
Justin announced his retirement and Selena took a break in her career to care for a serious illness 


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