Anime Kiniro Mosaic :
Genre: Seinen, Comedy, School Life .
The story takes us into the lives of five high school students, Omiya Shinobu, Alice, Karen, Youko, and Aya.
2 English, Alice and Karen, came to discover Japanese culture.
The manga Kiniro Mosaic Yui Hara began in 2010 and is currently published by Houbunsha counts 4 bound volumes in Japan.
Mosaic Kiniro the animated series began in July 2013, a total of 12 episodes in Japan.
Mangaka: Yui Hara.
Studio: Studio Gokumi.
Director: Tensho.
Writer: Yuniko Ayana.
Character Design: Kazuyuki Ueda.
Responsible Animation: Kazuyuki Ueda.
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