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Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga unveils a sample clip of G.U.Y .

 After a fairly average year in 2013 , Lady Gaga seems more determined than ever to revive its artpop and make him reach the top . 
For this, the Mama Monster has everything and chose the NBC to launch today with great fanfare the video for her title  GUY  But then he will have to wait several hours to discover this new project , the singer gives us some respite by unveiling a behind the scenes video .As announced in February, the clip GUY looks huge .Tour Hearts Castle, a Los Angeles property which belonged to a newspaper magnate , video is decidedly rococo , and is not without reminding us foil style house Versace, including Lady Gaga is the new muse of record .  
The excerpts reveal a scene of water ballet , a Lady Gaga almost lying naked on a bed, wearing outfits or completely crazy , and always surrounded by beautiful dancers.Clip GUY eyeing Greek gods , promising a completely decadent history.And if these first images allow wisely wait before discovering GUY clip in its entirety, they also reveal a new personality of Lady Gaga , as the young woman decided to make itself the clip, which is incidentally the most expensive his career.After he hit the headlines a few days ago inviting a performer to throw at him during a concert , Lady Gaga returns to a more glamorous image with clip GUY We'll let you discover the first new images unveiled on NBC .


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