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Scarlett Johansson and Roman Dauriac soon Parents

Scarlett Johansson and Roman Dauriac soon Parents :

She had nothing left to guess at the Cesar Awards ceremony . A 29 -year-old Scarlett Johansson expect her first child. According to the U.S. site " TMZ " , the heroine of " Match Point" is already five months pregnant . 
 Engaged to Romain Dauriac , French journalist converted in the communication , the actress had not hidden his desire to have children . " I am fortunate to have had a long career - 20 years - . 
Varied So , you know, pick a time to prepare a family seems to be a thing I could do without the feeling of missing something " had she assured the "Daily Mail" in December. 
 After being discovered in " The Man Who Whisperer horses " just 14 years , the actress received a Cesar honor for his entire career. "I do not want to rush " More three years after her divorce from Ryan Reynolds , Scarlett Johansson was engaged to Romain Dauriac last September.  
At the Venice Film Festival where she presented the science fiction film "Under the Skin" , the star appeared on the red carpet a beautiful diamond ring Art Deco inspired finger . " The idea of ​​being engaged is exciting, but I do not want my rush ," she had assured in January in an interview to the magazine "People" .


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