The Lupin III: Jigen Daisuke no Bohyo !
Genre: Seinen , Action, Comedy .
Title LUPIN THE III RD: Daisuke Jigen no Bohyo , the film is scheduled for early this Summer 2014 , 9 in Japanese theaters .
The story tells how Lupin & Jigen Daisuke became partners .Arsène Lupin III , son of the famous little thief Arsène Lupin, is considered the greatest thief of all time managing to steal priceless objects while preventing their owner before each flight.His right arm and closest ally is Daisuke Jigen , an expert marksman who can accurately shoot a target in 0.3 seconds .Although Lupin and Jigen frequently work in pairs , they are also joined by Goemon Ishikawa XIII, a master swordsman whose sword can cut anything, or Fujiko Mine seductive , manipulative woman who is madly in love with Lupin .Mangaka Monkey Punch.
Director: Takeshi Koike .
Writer: Yuuya Takahashi.
Character Design : Takeshi Koike .
Responsible Animation: Takeshi Koike .
Music: James Shimoji .
The story tells how Lupin & Jigen Daisuke became partners .Arsène Lupin III , son of the famous little thief Arsène Lupin, is considered the greatest thief of all time managing to steal priceless objects while preventing their owner before each flight.His right arm and closest ally is Daisuke Jigen , an expert marksman who can accurately shoot a target in 0.3 seconds .Although Lupin and Jigen frequently work in pairs , they are also joined by Goemon Ishikawa XIII, a master swordsman whose sword can cut anything, or Fujiko Mine seductive , manipulative woman who is madly in love with Lupin .Mangaka Monkey Punch.
Director: Takeshi Koike .
Writer: Yuuya Takahashi.
Character Design : Takeshi Koike .
Responsible Animation: Takeshi Koike .
Music: James Shimoji .
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