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United States

United States: The convicted for parodied the official alert messages in a pub chains

 They are accused of having broadcast an advertisement that copies of official warnings ...
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has ordered several media groups to fines of $ 1.9 million . The commission accuses Viacom , NBC Universal and Disney have released their TV channels publicity for the film The Fall of the White House.
The offending advertising spot broadcast on numerous occasions in March 2013 , using the same tone and the same visual codes that posts official warning that the government can use to warn the American public of imminent terrorist attacks.
For example
According to the Los Angeles Times , the White House had lobbied for the fine is yours . The script , which examines the consequences of a North Korean attack on Washington and removal of the President, was considered by the Federal Communications Commission as an aggravating circumstance .
Chains convicted have thirty days to contest the fine, the largest ever decided by the Federal Communications Commission against a large number of media.


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