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Web celebrates its 25th anniversary

Web celebrates its 25th anniversary :

 The "World Wide Web " was formalized in an article published March 12, 1989 .
It was 25 years ago , the Internet was just an idea developed by an unknown computer . Yet it has led to a global phenomenon that has changed the lives of billions of people.
 Briton Tim Berners -Lee worked in a laboratory at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research , when he devised a way to easily access files on interconnected computers .
It was formalized in an article March 12, 1989 , considered the birth of the " World Wide Web " (the famous " www "). The idea , however, was so bold that she almost never happen .
"Completely ignored" initially
"There was a huge dose of pride in the project initially ," says AFP Marc Weber , founder and curator of the program on the history of the Internet in computer history museum in Mountain View, California. " Tim Berners -Lee came out of nowhere, with nothing that he has requested , all document management system " and from his colleagues have "completely ignored."
Basically, the web is a software to browse the information that is online. Its distinctive feature is the ability to click on links to open files on computers that can be located anywhere . 
 Berners -Lee will finally convince the CERN to adopt the system after demonstrating its utility by compiling a directory of the laboratory in an online index .
The U.S. military and the Arpanet
But even then, the battle is not won. The U.S. military began to explore the idea of ​​connecting computers to networks in the 1950s and launched in 1969 Arpanet , a precursor to today's Internet.


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