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Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt restarts war to the director of Animal Kingdom . 

The star of World War Z Many projects as a producer , he Eventually APPEAR little purpose in the coming months screen : it is the voice of Time Travel, a documentary by Terrence Malick on the Creation of the universe , Then play one of the heroes of the war movie Fury, David Ayer . 
And Then ? He Was interested in a scenario Steven Knight (The Promises, Locke , Crazy Joe) running in full World War II , Variety tells us aim That It Will Not His neighbor probably rent : before playing in this romantic thriller yet untitled , it shoulds be the hero of the next directed by David Michôd .Attractive for a new director of Animal Kingdom project , the highly successful family thriller All which has-beens Widely acclaimed in 2010. 
Rover The Once out , he shoulds write and live The Operators , a war movie Directly inspired by two bestsellers Michael Hastings (The Runaway General and the Operators) Following the daily life of a U.S. Army General Stanley McChrystal, head of troops to Afghanistan feels in the late 2000s . 
The journalist WAS Accompanied by long months on the forehead and extensive Collected Information regarding the conduite of modern warfare information , Including revealing Outbursts by American soldiers .And sometimes violent remarks from the general to His superiors , All which led President Barack Obama to lay there years.
A furnace That exceptional story on paper the potential to Become a feature movie panting , in the vein of the hunt for Osama bin Laden directed by Kathryn Zero Dark Thirty Bigelow .


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