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Miley Cyrus kissing Katy Perry during Bangerz Tour

Miley Cyrus kissing Katy Perry during Bangerz Tour.

 Miley Cyrus has a funny way to greet his friends! While she was in full concert at Staples Center in Los Angeles Saturday , the singer Katy Perry spotted in the audience.
 Immediately, Miley Cyrus rushed towards her to kiss him on the mouth . " I kissed this girl and I really loved it , " then said the blonde singer in reference to the famous song I Kissed A Girl by Katy Perry. 
Suffice to say that the fans present at the concert were delighted to see Katy Perry close to them in the room! Since the Bangerz Tour Miley Cyrus began a few days ago , not everything goes as planned for the singer Wrecking Ball. Returns on his show are far from good and complaints tributary everywhere. 
Of course, fans of the singer know that their idol is have mastered the art of shocking but they still expect not to see a show as challenging . 
So, ticket prices dropped significantly and some do not hesitate to leave the room before the concert. A situation that has not escaped the main interested . 
Miley Cyrus recently responded to his critics on Twitter explaining that all his fans " relax and enjoy the show ." Not sure this is enough to reassure disgruntled parents who continue to send letters of complaint to the label of the singer !


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