Genre: Action, Drama, Mecha / S-F
The story takes us alongside Daichi Manatsu, a high school student who returns to the island of Tanegashima to learn more about the death of his father and keep an old promise he made to his childhood friends.
His life changed when Daichi takes a mysterious mecha, Earth Engine, which warns that the Earth will be invaded control ...
Studio: BONES (Dandy Space, Star Driver, Eureka Seven saga)
Director: Takuya Igarashi (Star Driver, Soul Eater, Ouran High School Host Club)
Writer: Yoji Enokido (Star Driver, Utena, Nodame Cantabile Paris)
Character Design: Satoshi Ishino (Date A Live, No. 6, Excel Saga)
Responsible Animation: Satoshi Ishino (Date A Live, No. 6, Sora no Otoshimono Forte)
Design: Shinji Aramaki (Bubblegum Crisis) & Takeshi Takakura (Infinite Stratos, Aquarion) Artistic Directors: Masaru Yanaka & Koji Eto (Buddy Complex, Psycho-Pass, Steins; Gate)
Music: Monaca (Wake Up Girls saga Star Driver, My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU)
Design: Shinji Aramaki (Bubblegum Crisis) & Takeshi Takakura (Infinite Stratos, Aquarion) Artistic Directors: Masaru Yanaka & Koji Eto (Buddy Complex, Psycho-Pass, Steins; Gate)
Music: Monaca (Wake Up Girls saga Star Driver, My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU)
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