Anime Glasslip :
Genre: Slice of life, Romance
The animated series is scheduled for July 2014 in Japan.
The story takes us into the lives of six high school students whose Fukui Prefecture Toko Fukami, a young 17 year old girl who dreams of becoming an artisan glass.
Animation Staff:
Studio: PA Works.
Director: Junji Nishimura.
Writers: Rika Nishimura & Satou.
Character Design: Miki Takeshita.
Responsible Animation: Miki Takeshita.
Artistic Director: Toshie Honda.
Music: Akito Matsuda.
The story takes us into the lives of six high school students whose Fukui Prefecture Toko Fukami, a young 17 year old girl who dreams of becoming an artisan glass.
Animation Staff:
Studio: PA Works.
Director: Junji Nishimura.
Writers: Rika Nishimura & Satou.
Character Design: Miki Takeshita.
Responsible Animation: Miki Takeshita.
Artistic Director: Toshie Honda.
Music: Akito Matsuda.
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