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Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus: Serious incident on tour :

 One of the technicians Bangerz Tour Miley Cyrus has been injured because of the slide .
like language that the singer uses in his concerts. He decided to complain and demand damages.
She shocked , she annoyed , she disgusted, but the language of Miley Cyrus had not yet put someone in danger. For once, we do not mean that the singer left lying around , especially in the mouth of Katy Perry, but on the other , which is several meters high and sits proudly on the scenes of his Bangerz Tour. If you've ever watched the delightful images of the tour, you probably know that each representation, little princess trash like to raid her rosy slide. A rather fun attraction that takes the form of an imposing language , she loves hitting in ever lighter clothing .

But then, to be eligible for this moment of bursts, it is necessary that someone is responsible for mounting the slide. Charles Nicholas Sarris, an employee of the company ShowFx Inc , specializing in entertainment, is one of those small hands. 

 But last month , a tragedy occurred : under construction super language , he is badly injured . As TMZ reports , in his complaint filed this week , the technician said he had a bad fall , and blame the quality of the facilities that were provided to him to do his job . It also ensures that the company has not warned of the dangers there might be to climb on the tongue, and therefore asks for damages , the amount has not yet been set.


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