The animated series is planned for this summer 2014.
This is a free adaptation of the famous Japanese tale Momotaro.
The story takes us through the adventures of the young warrior who fights evil Momoko to protect the Kingdom.
Aided by his faithful companions, Inugami dog god, Sarugami monkey god, and the god Kijigami pheasant, Momoko must confront the army of the Demon King to protect peace and recover a stolen treasure.
This is a free adaptation of the famous Japanese tale Momotaro.
The story takes us through the adventures of the young warrior who fights evil Momoko to protect the Kingdom.
Aided by his faithful companions, Inugami dog god, Sarugami monkey god, and the god Kijigami pheasant, Momoko must confront the army of the Demon King to protect peace and recover a stolen treasure.
- Author: Kibidango Project.
- Studios: Tri-slash & Project No.9.
- Director: Shinsuke Yanagi.
- Writer: Tsuyoshi Tamai.
- Character Design: Hiroshi Tomioka.
- Responsible Animation: Hiroshi Tomioka.
- Artistic Director: Chikako Shibata.
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