Android is the favorite target of hackers
The dominance of Android smartphones on the market partly explains the dramatic increase in cyber attacks on Google's OS .
Difficult to accept when you are the most popular product : 98% of malware targeting the Android system, according to a report published earlier this week by Kaspersky .
A phenomenon that analysts had anticipated Juniper Networks in 2011.
They had indeed noticed an increase of 472 % malware on Android. These figures prove "both the popularity of this OS for smartphones but also the fragility of its architecture ," according to the software vendor Kaspersky , specializing in computer security.
The information was égalementconfirmée by Cisco, the worldwide leader in telecommunications infrastructure in its annual safety report published in late January.
The first follows the largest number of Android devices in circulation. Hackers will also have easier access : unlike Apple's iOS , Android is an open system .
That is to say that application developers can work on it freely. The pirates therefore prefer to develop their virus on . However, according to Symantec , Apple's iOS is in fact more vulnerable.
How to get rid of malware ? One solution involves the update of the operating system . However, users generally do not flock to these updates , says Kaspersky .
What is even more problematic for smartphones and tablets out for over a year. These devices are more vulnerable.
But manufacturers prefer to focus on their new products. In this case , the best solution is to use an antivirus for mobile even if they have yet to prove their effectiveness , according FrAndroid , the French news site dedicated to Android.
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