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Apocalypse Tomorrow

Apocalypse Tomorrow Advice from the U.S. government about where to take refuge in case of nuclear attack. 

The U.S. government has published a guide explaining to citizens how to reach quickly the best anti- atomic shelter . The nuclear weapon is a weapon of mass destruction. 
In history, it has been used only twice operationally . During World War II , the United States bombed the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan, which resulted , according to various estimates , the death of one hundred to two hundred thousand people . 
During the Cold War that followed, nuclear deterrence allowed a sort of balance of terror between the United States and the USSR . If since the fall of the Soviets , the Cold War is over , the risks of a future nuclear war remain. 
The willingness of North Korea and Iran to hold this weapon of mass destruction shows that the world must remain on guard. Therefore, you are certainly ever wondered what impact could have a nuclear bomb on your city. And especially how to react and to take refuge ?


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