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An asteroid will graze Earth closer than the Moon

An asteroid will graze Earth closer than the Moon :

NASA ensures that the object 30 meters in diameter presents no risk of collision with our planet.
At first glance the ad can be scary, but NASA ensures that there is no risk . An asteroid already known to astronomers pass close to Earth Wednesday night less than that separating Earth from the Moon distance .  
The object, called 2014 DX110 , measuring about 30 meters in diameter and intersect closest to Earth 348,000 km to 22 hours , while the average Earth-Moon distance is only some 385 000 km . A type of event which, according to NASA , occurs on average no less than twenty times a year.
Residues of the formation of the solar system, many asteroids sizes run in the terrestrial neighborhood. The " Near - Earth Object Observations " program of the U.S. space agency detects , tracks , describes and lists , as well as comets , using a fleet of telescopes on the ground and in space. Objective: to determine if they pose a potential danger to Earth. NASA estimates , to date, have already identified nearly 95% of the largest of these celestial objects larger than one kilometer in diameter. Scientists point out that a collision with one of these large objects is very rare and none of those already detected present a risk in the foreseeable future.
 However, the fall of one of them , there are 65 million years , would, however, at the origin of the extinction of the dinosaurs. To learn more about these threats from the sky , read our interview with Jean -Pierre Luminet , French astrophysicist world-renowned specialist in asteroids.
And if large asteroids are easily spotted , this is not the case of smaller , which is also much higher.


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