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715 New Planets identified by the Kepler telescope

 715 New Planets identified by the Kepler telescope :

 CAPE CANAVERAL Florida (Reuters) - The Kepler space telescope has added 715 more planets to the list of known beyond the solar system worlds, bringing the total of these exoplanets to nearly 1700 , NASA announced Wednesday during a press conference.
In the latest additions include four planets larger than about two and a half times the Earth and is the right distance from their star mothers have water in liquid form on the surface, an estimated necessary for life long .
These findings were made by Kepler before shelved due to a technical problem last year.
The telescope , launched in 2009 , spent four productive years scrutinizing 160,000 stars . New generation of telescopes are being designed by NASA and other space agencies.
By adding the number of planets identified by Kepler ( 961 ) and the observations of other telescopes , we arrive at a total of nearly 1,700 exoplanets .
This boom is due discovered a new verification technique that analyzes the planets in batches rather than one at a time. The findings entities prove once again that small planets , that is to say two or three times the size of Earth , are common throughout the galaxy .
Like what happens in the solar system with eight planets plus Pluto as well as " dwarf planets " newly discovered exoplanets are grouped into families.
But , unlike the solar system, the new sets are grouped more constricted . Most planets move at a distance from their lower to 108 million miles between the sun Venus star.


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