New Anime : Kamigami no Asobi.
Genre: Shoujo, School Life, Romance, Harem.
The animated series begins April 5 / 2014, in Japan.
The story takes us into the daily Yui Kusanagi, a human who has the role of teaching the meaning of love to the young gods in a school run by Zeus.
The reason is to stop the negative impact on the world engendered by the connections between the divine and human.
The story takes us into the daily Yui Kusanagi, a human who has the role of teaching the meaning of love to the young gods in a school run by Zeus.
The reason is to stop the negative impact on the world engendered by the connections between the divine and human.
- Authors: Nippon Ichi Software & Broccoli.
- Studio: Brains Base.
- Director: Tomoyuki Kawamura.
- Writer: Tomoko Konparu.
- Original Character Design: Kazuki Yone.
- Character Design: Minako Shiba.
- Responsible Animation: Minako Shiba.
- Music: Elements Garden.
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