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Chris Brown

Chris Brown ordered to pay $ 3 million for excessive violence ?

When it encounters a problem, Chris Brown is more the type to knock that talk . And it could cost him dearly . In October last , the singer had lost his composure during a fight with an anonymous , Parker Adams. The latter accuses the former of Rihanna and her bodyguard have hit in the face , as well as throwing homophobic slurs . 
Parker Adams so just complain and demand compensation of $ 3 million It thus requires a million dollars from Chris Brown , another from his bodyguard , Christopher Hollosy and 000 500 dollars more for each in damages. 
The fight began when Parker Adams had tried to get through a photo taken by Chris Brown.
 Things have degenerated . However, Chris Brown has always maintained his innocence and said that the perpetrator was in fact Parker. 
This is not the first time that the singer made ​​about him for his tantrums . In 2009, he had assaulted his girlfriend at the time, the singer Rihanna , and there a few months , he had to undergo treatment in rehab to control his shots of blood. A trial date has been set for April 17.


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