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Supernova: the heart of a star observed just before explosion. 

 The NuSTAR (Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array) Space Telescope has recently succeeded in observing the heart of a little star before it exploded.
 The images collected should help to learn more about the phenomenon related to the formation of supernovae. 
The formation of a supernova following the explosion of a star is a phenomenon that astronomers are still struggling to understand a whole. 
New data collected by the NuSTAR (Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array) telescope, expected to shed new light on this mystery . 
Space Telescope NASA succeeded , for the first time , to observe the heart of a little star before it exploded . 
With these observations in X-rays, the researchers were able to recreate an almost complete mapping of shock waves that caused the end of the star in 1671. 
This explosion was born supernova Cassiopeia A, also known as Case A and located about 11,000 light-years from Earth. This is not the first time that astronomers are interested in this star. In recent years , the remains of this star were photographed by many telescopes . 
However, the latest images collected by NuSTAR are unprecedented . They have also been published in the journal Nature. 
Mechanisms in the heart of the explosion Through these images , scientists can now understand how the stellar debris collide with the surrounding gas and dust in the shock wave and how these elements are heated during the process . 
NuSTAR is the first telescope capable of mapping the heart of a star from radioactive elements present in the remains of the star.


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