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Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2

Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2, the return of Dracula :

Embody the most famous vampire in his fight face to Satan, this is a compelling proposition. Too bad the game is lost in contemporary sequences failed in comparison to the exciting exploration of the castle of Dracula.

Immortality is not always enviable. Gabriel Belmont, Dracula became in the late events of Lords of Shadow 1, expected to be freed from his torments. The prince of darkness, overcome by his grand-son, wakes up today from a long sleep of centuries. Weakened, he discovers that his gigantic castle became a full-fledged city, Castlevania.  
But the evil forces have not gone for long. The followers of Satan are determined to do their master's return to Earth, and send legions of bloodthirsty monsters in town. Dracula has no other choice but to recover his powers to prevent disaster



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